Monday, March 2, 2015


Motion sickness is a unpleasant condition that occurs when person are subjected to motion or the perception of motion.

  • It is physiological 
  • It occurs in all individuals , if exposed to enough motion stimuli


  1. Travel
  2. Sea
  3. Space
  4. Cyber

CAUSE - While in motion there is a conflict in stimulus perceived by the vestibular (ear) , visual and proprioceptive receptor.

It is more common in females specially pregnant ladies , children between the age group of 3-12yrs and in people who have previously experienced motion sickness.


  1. Nausea/   
  2. vomiting
  3. vertigo
  4. Malaise ( generalised weakness)
  5. Drowsiness
  6. Fatigue
  7. Irritability
  8. Fullness / discomfort in the stomach
  9. Excessive sweating
  10. Yawning etc....                        

Prevention is more effective than trying to cure symptoms once they have started.

  • Select a vehicle that produces minimum amount of motion.
  • Select the most stable portion on the vessel        ( front or midline)
  • Have a head support and avoid neck twisting
  • Face forward or in line with the direction of motion
  • Avoid close work , reading , watching a video
  • Avoid the smell of noxious stimuli like smell of diesal or petrol.
  • Eat light bland or soft diet
  • Avoid alcohol and nicotine
  • Ginger is considered to be helpful both in prevention and treatment.
  • Discussing the symptoms of motion sickness further increases the chances of symptoms.
People who slowly acclimatize or habituate to the motion stimuli have less symptoms.


  • Scopoline can be used as a transdermal patch (behind the ear). It should be used 4hrs before starting the journey.It works for 72hrs.
  • Scopoline tablets are also avalailable and should be taken 1hr before departure
  • Anthistaminics such as Avomine  ( promethazine), cyclizine , cinnarizine which are available over the counter can be used a couple of hours before travelling.

These measures will surely enable you to have a symptom free journey.

For any other queries about medical illness, contact us. We will get back to you at the earliest.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Swine Flu:What you need to know!

With the swine flu related deaths reaching three digits in India, there is a sense of panic in us about this deadly virus. Do not worry, it is not as dangerous as it seems. Swine flu is just a kind of Flu virus which causes common cold. The reason of its more severe symptoms in humans is that it is not a common virus infecting humans. It is naturally occurring in pigs but has made its way through in humans.

HOW IT SPREADS: It spreads through contact with people infected with swine flu, through common towels, shaking hands etc.

SYMPTOMS: The symptoms of swine flu are just like common cold. Fever, runny nose, cough, body pain.

PEOPLE AT RISK: Not all people who get swine flu develop complications. Most recover on their own. The complications commonly occur in

a.Children below 5 years of age and adults over 65.

b. People suffering from other diseases like diabetes and kidney or liver disease or taking long term medicines such as steroids.

c. People who are malnourished and have not been eating healthy.

WHEN TO PANIC: A normal flu goes on its own and all that is advised is rest.
One needs to be more cautious if they have any of these symptoms.

1.High fever exceeding 102 F
2.Uncontrolled vomiting., loose motions or stomach pain.
3.Difficulty in breathing or chest pain.
4. Loss of consciousness or feeling drowsy( sleepy)
5. Bleeding through any place( cough, vomiting, urine)

These are the times when you should immediately rush to see a doctor.

TREATMENT: If the nasal swab taken for testing confirms swine flu, your doctor will prescribe you Tamiflu (Ostelamivir). It decreases the severity of illness if taken within 48 hours of disease.This drug is no available over the counter due to risk of resistance to the drugs in case of overuse.

Rest and lots of oral fluids.

Paracetamol for fever . Do not take Aspirin for viral illness as it may cause something known as REYE's Synndrome.

PREVENTION: Considering its severe nature, it is in our best interest to prevent this disease.
Personal measures such as washing hands for at least 30 seconds with soap, using handkerchief and staying at home if ill would not only protect us but also our surroundings.

A vaccine is available which provides protection against severe disease for a year is available. If you or your family members are one of those who are at risk as mentioned previously or have been close to someone diagnosed with swine flu, it is better to consult your doctor for the vaccination.

Swine Flu is not a deadly disease as believed, Rest and good hydration and timely treatment can cure most of the cases.  DO NOT PANIC.

If you have any doubts about swine flu, do comment

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Liver Cancer: Another Preventable Cancer

Liver cancer is a blanket term for the cancers originating in the liver. It is the sixth most common cancer in the world. You will be surprised to know that 80 percent of liver cancers occur due to two viral infections which are quite preventable, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C.

Hepatitis B has a vaccine which can prevent anyone from getting this deadly infection. So if you have not got one get it now for you and your family. It is a three dose vaccine at 0, 1 and 6 months interval. Consult your doctor for Hepatitis B vaccination. Hepatitis C still does not have a vaccine.

Both Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C are spread through body fluids, That means you should ensure that whenever you go to a doctor for an injection or blood transfusion, the needles should be new. And same thing should be ensured when you go to a barber for a hair cut or shaving. Also safe sex practices should be followed by using condoms. All this and you have taken care of 80 percent of your risk of having Liver Cancer.

Other things that you should be careful of are having less alcohol ( Maximum seven pegs in a week) because excess alcohol has been linked to higher liver cancer risk. Try and reduce your weight as obesity is also one risk factor that you need to be careful of.

A toxin named Aflatoxin has been linked with liver cancer. It is a contaminant fungus found in poorly stored cereals and pulses. Thankfully its prevalence is less in India. But be wary of what you eat.

Liver cancer manifests as abdominal pain on the right side and jaundice ( yellowish discolouration of eyes). Other features can be bloating sensation, bony pain and vomiting. Consul your doctor immediately if you have any of these symptoms. An ultrasound may pick it up early.

Do not worry, help is available. With rapidly advancing medical science, Liver cancer has a good cure rate if detected early.

If you want to know about any other cancer or other health problem, contact us.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Skin Cancer: The commonest cancer in the world

Skin is the largest organ of the body. Today we will focus on cancer of skin, which is the most common cancer in the world. Thankfully in India with a relatively greater melanin content in our body, we are less prone for it. Skin cancers are mainly of three types: Basal cell Carcinoma, Squamous cell Carcinoma and Melanoma. skin Cancers are generally treatable because they are detected early as they are apparent. But due to neglect. It can spread to various parts and be Deadly.

Risk factors:

1.Sun exposure is the most common risk factor. Especially in the west people preferring for the tanning procedures is a leading cause for skin cancer.
 Do not go out in the sun without an effective sunscreen.

2. HPV infection, discussed in our article of cervical cancer is also an important risk factor,. HPV vaccination is not a bad idea after all.

3. Smoking: It is basically a risk factor in most of the cancers.

Common Signs of Skin cancer:

1. A patch or an Ulcer on the sun exposed area that does not go away can be a cancer. It is advisable to get a biopsy and clear your doubts.

2. Melanoma the cancer of pigment cells generally arises from a mole. A mole is a black or brown spot. It can be present on the skin since birth or can arise later in life. It is generally considered a beauty mark, commonly called Til in Hindi . A mole should be checked by a doctor if:

a.It becomes Asymmetric
b.Its Border becomes irregular
c.Its Color changes
d.Its Diameter increases in size
e, It is Evolving

The ABCDE of melanoma. Consult a doctor if you have any of these signs. Do not worry. Skin Cancer is very much treatable if detected early.

If you have any doubts about skin cancer or any other cancer, do write to us or Comment if you have any doubts about your health issues.


Well you should worry about the strain in your ocular muscles.The tiny text causes you to hold the phone too close to your face , which inturn can cause :
  1. Headache
  2. Blurred vision & 
  3. Dry eyes   


  1. Keep your phone atleast 45-50cms away from your face. 
  2. Try and look downwards at a 15degree angle from the horizontal.
  • This will increase the surface area your lids cover , keeping your eyes moist & relaxed.
 3.  Follow a 20:20:20 rule.
  • Every 20mins look away for 20sec at something which is 20feet away from you
 4.  Keep blinking your eyes as much as possible.
    It helps to  prevent dry eyes.

 5. Do invest in an anti glare protective cover.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Cervical Cancer: A vaccine preventable cancer!

Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer in women. It is a cancer of the lower part of uterus called cervix or the birth canal. It is one of the cancers which is preventable by a vaccine to a greater extent just like an infection. We will discuss here the various causes associated with cervical cancer and how you can make sure that you, your daughter or any female in your family have a lesser chance of developing this cancer.

Factors associated with Cervical Cancer

1. Human Papilloma Virus is associated with 80 percent of cervical cancer. Thankfully there is a vaccine for this infection.

2. Multiple sexual partners and not using condoms

3. Smoking is the second most important causative factor associated with Cervical Cancer.

4. Poor  hygiene

Symptoms to diagnose it early:

a. Vaginal bleeding or discharge

b.Painful sexual intercourse

If you have any of these symptoms, consult a doctor. He/she will do a very simple test and clear your doubts.

Now what can you do about preventing cervical cancer is the most important thing one must consider. We need to be aware of only three things.

1.HPV Vaccine The most important thing is Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccination. It can reduce your chances of developing Cervical Cancer by a whopping 70%. But the important point to remember is that it should be given before the infection develops.
 So the ideal age to get this vaccine is at the age of 10-20 years or before marriage. We need to give three injections at 0, 2 and 6 months and you are good to go. HPV vaccine costs anywhere between Rs 1000 and Rs 2000 but is is worth the investment. Consult your family physician for this.
HPV Vaccine: Saving Lives

2. Regular Pap smear.It is a simple procedure where a brush like instrument is used to take some cells from cervix and look for any changes. It is a very simple and painless procedure, but you may have a little discomfort. It is recommended to get a Pap smear done every 3 years after the age of 25 years and you are good to go. By doing this you have already decreased the risk of developing cervical cancer and if at all, it will be caught at an early stage.
Pap Smear: Simple, Yet effective

3. Use condoms and maintain a good hygiene.

4. Quit Smoking

Even if someone develops Cervical Cancer, do not worry. Help is available and there are a lot of good treatments available. Stay safe and Stay healthy.

If you have any doubts about cervical cancer or you want to know about any other health issue, contact us or post a comment. Suggestions would be appreciated.

MEDICAL DISCLAIMER- The information provided on this site, such as text, images, graphics etc are for informational purposes only and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purpose.Always seek the advice of the physician or respected health care professional before taking any medication or starting a new treatment.The prices mentioned for the various procedures are subjected to change.We are not responsible for any inaccuracies,omissions,or editorial errors,or for any consequences resulting from the information provided.By continuing to view this site ,visitors indicate acceptance of these terms.

Monday, February 9, 2015


HIGH ALTITUDE : It is defined as areas above 9000ft or 2700m from sea level.

Few Famous Tourist places in india which are in high altitude :

  1. Leh - ladhak
  2. Sikkim
  3. Gulmarg


1) Low oxygen
2) Low humidity
3) Low atm pressure

Acclimatisation : It is a physiological process by which body adapts to the environmental condition.In case of high altitude the body needs to adapt to low oxygen,low humidity and low admospheric pressure.                            

There is a acclimatisation schedule followed by mountaineers , military personnels etc which comprise of :
  1. 9000ft-12000ft      -    6days acclimatisation is required
  2. 12000ft-15000ft    -    4days are required
  3. 15000ft-18000ft    -    4days are required
But on the contrary tourists due to time constraints donnot acclimatise to the altitude and are prone to suffer from high altitude illness.
"By following the undermentioned tips one can easily avoid high altitude illness"

  1. As soon as you land in high altitude , go for complete bed rest atleast for 12-15hrs.
  • Most of the tourist face high altitude effect during dis time as they donnot take adequate rest.
2. Drink lot of fluids ( water , tea , coffee etc)
    Avoid alcoholic beverages.  

3. Wear clothes in layers in order 2 prevent from cold temp and wind.
    Always make sure you are wearing a good quality wollen skull cap.

4. Wear wollen socks and snow boats while walking on snow to prevent freezing injury.
     Donnot forget to carry extra pair of socks in case ur socks get wet.

5. Use UV protected sunglasses and sunscreen of SPF > 30%.

6. Get you blood pressure regularly checked in the nearest health centre.

7. Always carry a portable oxygen cylinder.

8.If you experience headache , vomiting , loss of appetite , insomnia ; than most likely you have acquired acute mountain sickness which is very common in tourists.
  • Do not panic
  • Take complete rest
  • Take Oxygen 2-3L/min by face mask
  • Drink of lots of fluid
  • Take analgesics like combiflame for headache
  • If you have vomiting take antiemetic drugs like metochlopramide / domperidone .
  • Diamox 250mg twice a day can be started which helps in relieving symptoms of AMS.
9. On experiencing of severe breathlessness which is not relieved with rest and oxygen you should visit the nearest health centre to make sure you are not suffering from high altitude pulmonary oedema.


MEDICAL DISCLAIMER- The information provided on this site, such as text, images, graphics etc are for informational purposes only and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purpose.Always seek the advice of the physician or respected health care professional before taking any medication or starting a new treatment.The prices mentioned for the various procedures are subjected to change.We are not responsible for any inaccuracies,omissions,or editorial errors,or for any consequences resulting from the information provided.By continuing to view this site ,visitors indicate acceptance of these terms.